If you love gardening but you are a lazy person then a snake plant would the best option for you. SNAKE PLANT : It is a low maintenance plant that does not need any extra care as a snake plant thrives in all conditions. This Plant is best for indoor as well as outdoor. It thrives in both low and bright light but it will best grow in bright light. If you neglect this plant it would still grow well. If you keep a snake plant in an indoor or in the bedroom it would purify the air as it releases oxygen at night, unlike another plant that releases Carbon dioxide at night. This plant absorbs toxins from the air. If you love cozy sleep keep this plant in your bedroom.  TYPES OF SNAKE PLANT 1. Sansevieria trifasciata 2. Sansevieria gracilis 3. Sansevieria canaliculate 4. Sansevieria patens 5. Sansevieria trifasciata 6. Sansevieria cylindrica 7. Sansevieria fischeri 8. Sansevieria masoniana SNAKE PLANT CARE: Caring this p...
Know about herbal and indoor plant and grow them, This blog helps you to know, grow and care the plant.