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Kadi Patta Tree - कढ़ी पत्ता – Meetha Neem- Curry leaf (Inexpensive Superfood)

When we go to the south India and we eat something there we find special aroma in their meal or dishes prepared there. Later I came to know that the special aroma which is coming out of food is of curry leaf.

Kadi Patta Tree - कढ़ी पत्ता

Kadi Patta is aromatic in nature. The aroma of leaves is due to the presence of essential oil in them which gets extracted by distillation. Beside aromatic in nature curry leaves are loaded with nutrients. Curry leaves are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Iron, Fiber, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Copper.

Curry leaves have been used since ancient times due to nutritional and aromatic value. In India south people add Meetha Neem in almost all dishes prepared by them to give flavor to dishes.

These leaves can also, be taken as raw. When we take curry leaves in any form raw or add in it 'tadka' or daal following benefits we get

  • Keep our heart healthy
  • Anti cancer effect
  • Blood sugar control                                                  
  • It keeps away anemia
  • Protect liver
  • Improve digestion
  • Promote hair growth
  • Good for eyesight
  • Helps in weight loss

Keep our heart healthy – It keeps our heart healthy by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Consuming curry leaves reduces high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This way, it reduces heart disease.

Anti Cancer effect- Curry Patta reduces the side effect of chemotherapy like nausea associated with it.

Blood sugar control – It reduces high blood sugar and protects from diabetics.

It keeps anemia away – curry patta is a rich source of iron and folic acid. Anemia occurs when the body is unable to absorb Iron or our diet has an inadequate amount of iron. Folic acid help in the absorption of iron.

Protect liver – If you are alcoholic or loves alcohol which damages the liver then you must consume Meetha Patta. It contains kaempferol (Protect liver from oxidative stress).

Improve digestion – Curry leaves improve metabolism. Keep us away from stomach disorders such as diarrhea, dysentery, and constipation. For this we have to just chew curry patta or add to our dishes.

Promote Hair growth – The problem of hair like dandruff, flaky scalp and slow growth of hair can be solved by using leaves of curry plant. It also prevents premature graying of hair. It stimulates the hair follicle and promotes hair growth.

Good eyesight – These leaves contain vitamin A (necessary for good eyesight).

Helps in weight loss- Carbazole alkaloid present in curry leaf. It helps in weight loss

 It is an expensive solution of all our problems. Since it is a natural product it takes time to give the result, but we get a permanent solution to our problem. For getting all the benefits we just want curry leaves.

Now the question is where we will get curry leaves?

Curry leaf is also sold in the market, from there we can purchase and store it. We can store curry leaf in two ways.

  • By making powder
  • By Refrigerating      

If you want to use fresh leaves, we can keep a curry leaf plant in our home. Fresh curry leaves are more beneficial. For the fresh leaf, if we have space we can grow it in the backyard and those who do not have space can grow in Gamla or planter.    

Meetha Neem- Curry leaf

How to grow curry leaf plant?          

  • We can make the purchase of curry leaf plant from a nursery and grow in a pot.
  • We can grow this plant through propagation also.  

If your neighbor has this plant you can take stem cutting from them and grow plants from it. 
Curry leaves also grow through seed.

Propagation through stem cutting- For this we need to have a stem of curry leaf tree. you can either get the stem from your neighborhood or anyone who has this plant or ask nursery people if they provide stem. The stem should not be too thick or thin. Do not take newly formed stem for propagation take the cutting of an older one. Cut the steam 2-3 inch long.  After that remove the outer covering of the stem which has to be a dip in the soil. Also, cut the stem to 45 deg angle now the stem is ready to move into the soil and after that moisten the soil keep in a shady area

कढ़ी पत्ता

Propagation through seed – If you have the seed of curry leaf tree you can grow new plants from it. Seed should have ripened over, here we need mature the grown seed. Sow the seed in potting soil. We have to take well-drained soil so that water does not stand there.

Curry leaf  (Inexpensive Superfood)

The best time or season for the propagation of this plant is the rainy season (July, August, September).  The success rate of propagating this plant is the rainy season is 90%.                                                                                   


  1. I love the taste of carry patta

  2. I love the smell of curry leaf

  3. A very pleasing aroma along with so many health benefits sums up the importance of this plant 😊

  4. Earlier I thought kadi patta only gives aroma itself but after reading this blog I came to know about the health benefits of it.

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