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Giloy The Immunity Booster

Giloy –Versatile herb

Scientific  Name – Tinospora  Cordifolia

Giloy Plant is herbaceous vine. Its name is different in different languages. In english it is known as Tinospora . In sanskrit it is named Guduchi and  Its hindi name is Giloy. Other name of this plant is Amrita. It is known as Amrita because of its Amrit like property. It has capacity to treat  all kind of diseases. This plant is native to India. Giloy has been used in Ayurveda since ancient time. This Herbal plant is approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).  The root, stem and leaves of this plant has medicinal value and it is used for medicinal purpose.



Reduces stress , pain and anxiety – Giloy work on damage brain cell of nervous system. It also treat the problem of insomnia. It can be taken in the form of juice , powder or capsule.


It boost our immunity –Strong Immunity is need of an hour like in this COVID 19 case . We can increase immunity to diseases by adopting Ayurvedic solution. In Ayurveda  Giloy is seen to increase immunity of our body. It fight against free radical and remove toxin from body. Its anti-oxidant  property prevent us from diseases and improve our health.  It has anti bacterial properties and kill harmful bacteria .


Giloy use in chronic fever- If the person suffering from chronic fever Ayurvedic Doctor suggest them to use giloy. It is anti pyretic in nature and work on sign and symptoms of fever. Giloy can be used in dengue fever also. It increase platelets count.

Giloy use in diabeties – Diabeties now a days became most common diseases. Giloy in diabetes helps to lower blood glucose  and also induces  production of insulin. Insulin is hormone that control blood sugar level in the body. Giloy is most beneficial in type 2 diabetes. In Ayurveda Giloy is referred as madhunashini which in Sanskrit mean ‘distroyer of sugar’ . It has been found that there is some unique connection between bitter items and diabetes. Here giloy is our bitter  in taste and treat in diabetes. It also work on diabeties related issue such as ulcer, wounds and kidney damage.  

Giloy benefit for eyes -  Giloy improves our eyesight. It has anti oxidant lute in which is good for our eyes. Lutein also improve our eye health. It prevent age related eye impairment.



Giloy for asthemic patient – Giloy is herbal remedial solution to asthma. Asthma is respiratory diseases. Chewing giloy roots or drinking its juice help to relieve the symptoms of asthma. Experts and Ayurveda doctor  recommend its use in asthma.

Giloy in digestion – This herbal plant work against stomach problem such as acidity, colitis, worm infestations , abdominal pain , excessive thirst , vomiting and loss of apatite.

Giloy in improving sexual health- Giloy is effective in sex health issue such as impotence and involuntary ejaculation.

How to use giloy ?

For getting its benefit we should also know how to use it. Fresh giloy stem, roots and leaves has medicinal power. If you have excess to fresh giloy stem or roots use it. We can also grow in backyard or home.  Giloy powder, tablet and juice is also available in market.


Giloy Tablet

Giloy tablet is best for those who do not have accesses  to fresh stem or root of this plant. They can use giloy tablet. Dosages of tablet is different for different age group.

Giloy Juice

If we have fresh stem or leaves we can prepare fresh juice out of it  in home itself . It is easy to prepare. For this we just have to take giloy stem of finger long. Wash the stem and cut it in small pieces. We have to boil stem in water. Switch of the stove when water is half the initial quantity. Strain the juice and drink it lukewarm. We can take one glass juice daily.

Giloy concoction (KADHA)

Giloy is bitter in taste. To improve its taste we can add other ingredient also. Adding another ingredient also add nutritional value of drink. This preparation is called concoction. For this take 2 inches of ginger, 3-4 Tulsi leaves , finger long giloy stem , 2-3 black pepper and two corn. Add or ingredient into glass of water. Boil them until they become half of initial. Remember to add clove and pepper in last. After 10-15 min switch off the stove and strain the drink and consume it lukewarm.

Side Effect

This versatile herb has numerous benefits. It improve our overall  health since it is a herbal solution of all our solution there is no major side effect. Short term consumption of giloy in any form has no major side effect  but when it is use for long term basis  one can face  major health issue. Some of it side effect are:-

Constipation – some people have constipation after consuming giloy an any form. It may also lead to stomach irritation.

Low level of blood sugar- Giloy is best for type 2 diabetic patient. It lower blood glucose level but if this is consume for long time it can lower blood sugar more than what we want. So regular monitor of blood sugar is important in this or we can consult our doctor before using it.

Increase in auto immune disease symptom – Giloy can make immune system over active . It can lead to auto immune diseases such as lupus (SLE or Systemic lupus Eratosthenes), multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis . If we find any of these issue with us we should avoid its intake.   


  1. Best use for blood sugar control

  2. I am drinking giloy kadha past 10 days n trust me it works wonders not only I have got relief from acidity but also got relief from menstrual cramps... It truly is a life saver

  3. I came to this blog and it helped me to add a few new points to my knowledge. Actually, I am trying to find a new immunity booster juice homemade During Covid-19.


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