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Tulsi - Holy Basil – Queen of herb - Ocimum Tenuiflorum

Tusli or Holy basil is a sacared  plant. Most of hindu family have this plant in their home. In hindu mythology  It is regarded as manifestation of goddess Tulsi . She is regarded as avatar of laxmi . There are two types of tulsi .

  •   Rama Tulsi  (which has green leaves)
  •   Shyama Tulsi ( Which has dark green or black color) 

If we eat Tulsi leaves raw it has taste similar to clove spice, another kind of basil is sweet basil or italian basil . It is used in mediterranean region. Italian people use this sweet basil leaves in their dishes to give flavour and aroma.Sabja seed (sweet basil seed) which is use by people in weight loss is also obtained from cultivation of ocimum basillcum. These leaves have taste and flavour close to betel leaves.we indian use this leaf in preparation of italian dishes. We can found sweet basil leaves in departmental store or local vegetable store where they have foreign leaf.

Tulsi  - Holy Basil

Cultural  significance

In india woman in hindu religion lit a lamp in front of tulsi plant in evening at home. This plant is considered as religious plant and people worship  it. Every part of tulsi (seed, flower , leaves) has fragrance. In any puja or worship people offer or use the leaves. It is consider  to bring prosperity and happiness in life of people. Any hindu festival or worship, prayer, marriage  would fulfilled without leaves of tulsi. It is very special in hindu mythology. There is ceremony called tulsi vivah in this tulsi is married to Lord Krishna.

Tulsi  - Holy Basil - Ocimum tenuiflorum

Medicinal  Importance

Besides its cultural importance in life of people  holy basil seed, flower, leaves  has medicinal importance. It has been used for thousand of year in Ayurveda. This holy basil contain Vit. A and Vit. C, Calcium , Zinc,Iron and chlorophyll. Tulsi has antibacterial,antifungal, antiviral, anti inflammatory  and analgesic (Pain reliving) properties .

  •   Leaves of tulsi plant strengthen the stomach and keep digestive problem  away. It helps in       secretion of digestive enzyme also. 
  •   Basil leaves is also regarded as antistress agent. It is also known as adaptogen .Adaptogen is a   substance that help body to adapt  to stress and promote mental health.
  •  Tulsi is used to prepare various herbal , ayurvedic and homeopathic medicine due to its             antimicrobial action.
  • Soup prepared by boiling tulsi leaves are taken during malaria and dengue fever by the people.
  • People with high fever also take tulsi power with cardamom powder.
  • Chewing tulsi leaves in empty stomach keep heart related problem away from us.
  • Some people use holy basil leaves after surgery for quick recovery of wound and body.
  • Tulsi leaves are filled with essential oil and antioxidant.Essential oil obtained from tulsi leaves by distillation is used to cure insect bite.Antioxidant property of leaves protect our body from toxic chemical and help in detoxification.
  •  Holy Basil slow down the growth of cancerous cell and helps in prevention of cancer  in cancer patient.
  •  Holy basil is also useful in type 2  diabeties . It reduces blood sugar and also prevent from symptoms such as weight gain , excess insulin in blood and high cholesterol.

We have seen why this herb is known as queen of herb but before adding it to our diet or taking it in any other we should consult our physician or doctor so that they better guide us.

Queen of herb


This scared plant grow well in loamy soil or fertile soil. For this we have to take 60% cocopeat  and 40% sand after that mix them well. Now our potting mix is ready . We can also add cow dung manure in it. After that take a pot with hole in bottom and fill it with potting mix. Sprinkle seed on the surface of potting mix and cover the seed with soil.After covering the seed sprinkle water. Keep the pot in indirect sunlight but bright light. After two week seed germinate.         



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