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Giloy The Immunity Booster

Giloy –Versatile herb Scientific   Name – Tinospora   Cordifolia Giloy Plant is herbaceous vine. Its name is different in different languages. In english it is known as Tinospora . In sanskrit it is named Guduchi and   Its hindi name is Giloy. Other name of this plant is Amrita. It is known as Amrita because of its Amrit like property. It has capacity to treat   all kind of diseases. This plant is native to India. Giloy has been used in Ayurveda since ancient time. This Herbal plant is approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).   The root, stem and leaves of this plant has medicinal value and it is used for medicinal purpose. USES AND BENEFIT Reduces stress , pain and anxiety – Giloy work on damage brain cell of nervous system. It also treat the problem of insomnia. It can be taken in the form of juice , powder or capsule.   It boost our immunity –Strong Immunity is need of an hour like in this COVID 19 case . We can increase immunity to diseases by adopting Ayurved
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